Interactive audiovisual installation
Light Festival Gatchina 2022
Audiovisual sculpture, dialogue between human and matter. The viewer has to go through an illusory change in the shape of the Object, its depth and volume. Through a simple geometric shape - a cube - the artist invites you to come into contact with geometric objects, concluding which, the idea of the universe is born. The system of rules of polyhedrons - as an argument of a reasonable creative being - a man. Graphic patterns of manifestation to self-regeneration and transformation of allusion into the activator of life. You are in dialogue with materials about digital reincarnation.
Interactive audiovisual installation
GAMMA festival. St. Petersburg 2018
Interactive, audio visual installation in the space of the dome there is something that absorbs the attention of people nearby. It changes its size and behavior depending on the number of viewers paying attention to it. When it reaches critical mass, it collapses and is reborn.